.. include:: /global.inc .. include:: /banner.rst API - Version 1 (current) ======================== You can communicate with the Cool Farm Tool (CFT) using HTTP, allowing applications or scripts you write to: * **NEW** Added optional parameter `irrigation_calculation_type` which is used to determine whether to use the default or IPCC 2013 calculations (see: :doc:`calculating`) for irrigation events. * **BETA** save assessments and use them in the features of the tool, for example aggregation or reporting. (see :ref:`Saving assessments using the CFT`) * fetch input and emissions data stored in the CFT for visualisation or further analysis (see :doc:`retrieving`), * send input data, and receive immediate emissions estimates (see :doc:`calculating`) * pre-fill information for a product assessment (see :doc:`sending`). Follow the :doc:`../quick-start` to start exchanging information with the CFT immediately. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: changelog-v1 changelog-v2 authentication retrieving calculating sending creating data-schemas